Red Truck Racing
What is Red Truck Racing?
The Red Truck Racing Team stands as a cornerstone in Canadian amateur cycling, boasting a longstanding history and remarkable success. Their renowned development program has propelled numerous top Canadian cyclists to success.
At its core, their mission is to discover and nurture young cycling talents nationwide. Fueled by the support of their sponsors and allies, they create an environment where emerging athletes can excel at the highest echelons of competition while concurrently pursuing their educational goals.

Interesting Facts

Canadian Cycling Legacy
Red Truck Racing holds a significant place in Canadian amateur cycling, with a rich history of success. Their development program has been instrumental in nurturing numerous top Canadian cyclists, contributing to the country's cycling legacy.

Focus on Talent Development
At the heart of Red Truck Racing's mission is the discovery and nurturing of young cycling talents across Canada. Their commitment to developing emerging athletes goes beyond the race track, emphasizing the importance of pursuing educational goals alongside sporting achievements.

Partnership in Pursuit of Excellence
Sponsors like BICI are proud supporters of Red Truck Racing because they recognize the team's relentless pursuit of excellence. Red Truck Racing isn't just about participating; they're dedicated to molding champions and inspiring others with their grit and determination. This partnership isn't merely about sponsorship but about embarking on a thrilling journey alongside future cycling stars.
because, let's face it, they're not just a cycling team; they're a roaring powerhouse of two-wheeled excellence. These guys don't settle for second place; they mold champions, turn rookies into rockstars, and do it all with a level of grit that makes you want to pedal faster just by association. Red Truck Racing doesn't just ride; they conquer, and we're damn proud to be along for the ride with them.

"Teaming up with Red Truck Racing is like strapping in for a thrilling ride on the cycling express. It's not just a partnership; it's a journey alongside champions in the making, where excellence, determination, and the pursuit of greatness pave the road ahead"
Malcolm H